Portals are areas of the VAMPS site dedicated to specific umbrella projects or initiatives
that contain many VAMPS projects.
They typically involve more than one primary investigator and strive to make the data publicly available.
Coral Microbiome Portal (CMP)
The Coral Microbiome Portal (CMP) database brings together next generation sequencing data of coral-associated microorganisms from studies conducted thoughout the world’s reefs.
Census of Deep Life (CoDL)
The mandate of the Census of Deep Life is to perform a global survey of life in continental and marine subsurface environments using deep DNA sequencing technology.
International Census of Marine Microbes (ICoMM)
The role of the International Census of Marine Microbes (ICoMM) is to promote an agenda and an environment that will accelerate discovery,
understanding, and awareness of the global significance of marine microbes. |
Long Term Ecological Research (LTER)
Microbial Inventory Research Across Diverse Aquatic Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Sites.
Microbiology of the Built Environment (MBE)
Microbiome of the Built Environment -Data Analysis Core.
NIH Human Microbiome Project (HMP)
The NIH Human Microbiome Project is one of several international efforts designed to take advantage of large scale, high through multi ‘omics analyses to study the microbiome in human health.
Human Oral Microbiome Database Portal (HOMD)
HOMD provides comprehensive curated information on bacteria in the human mouth and aerodigestive tract, including the pharynx, nasal passages, sinuses and esophagus.
The Plastisphere
Bacteria and Plastics
The Rare Biosphere
A New Paradigm for Microbiology.
SeaBase (In Development)
A Bioinformatic Infrastructure for Exploring the Genomes and Microbiomes of Marine Organisms.
Ulcerative Colitis (NIH Demonstration Project)
The Role of the Gut Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis (NIH Human Microbiome Demonstration Project).
A Gathering of all Eukaryal Projects.